A boundary is speaking up when someone does something that makes you feel ______________.
Uncomfortable, sad, or mad
Eyebrows and scrunched and mouth is in a frown. Face is red and fists clenched
What is anger?
Empathy is trying to understand how ___________________.
Someone else feels.
"I got such a bad grade on my test... I am so dumb."
"Everyone makes mistakes. I tried my best and will study more next time."
Or something like that.
Most of the time, kids don't mean to hurt you... sometimes it's a misunderstanding. We should give others, the benefit of ________.
The doubt.
If someone does something that makes me feel uncomfortable, I can say, "Please stop. __________________________."
"I don't like that."
Eyes are open wide, hands are covering face, eyebrows are up
What is surprised or fear/scared?
I can have empathy for someone, even if I have not experienced exactly what they are going through. True or False?
"People never invite me to play with them at recess. Nobody likes me. I'm too weird."
"Some people like me and some don't, and that's okay. I will find someone else who is playing alone and play with them today."
When someone says something mean to you once, is that rude or bullying?
Rude. Bullying is when something keeps happening. So if someone says something rude one time, try assume the best and tell them what they said was hurtful and to please stop.
If I accidentally cross someone else's boundary and they tell me "Please stop, I don't like that." I will say something like: __________________________.
Eyes are looking down, shoulders are hunched over, mouth is pointing down
What is sadness?
Kids can have empathy for adults too! True or false?
"I am going to do so bad at the Talent Show. I will probably forget all the words to my song."
"I will try my best at the Talent Show! I might make a mistake, but I will keep going. I am going to have fun no matter what!"
Another student took a ball from you at recess that you were still playing with. Thinking the worst: "They are so mean and stole the ball on purpose." Thinking the best, I might think: ________________________.
"Maybe they didn't know I was still playing with it."
"Maybe they got so excited and picked up the ball and forgot to check if I was still playing with it."
Your friend says they are going to play with someone else at recess today. Is that crossing a boundary? Yes or No?
No.. as long as it is said respectfully.
Tongue is sticking out, eyebrows scrunched together, face is looking away
What is disgust?
When someone looks sad or angry, instead of judging them, I could check on them and ask:
"Are you doing okay?"
"Can I help you?"
"Do you want to talk?"
My mom keeps yelling at me... I am such a terrible kid.
"Mom must have had a hard day. I know I am a good kid and will try to be respectful to her today."
A student walks by you without saying hi, even after you say their name. Thinking the worst: "They are so rude ignoring me..." Or, thinking the best:
"Maybe they didn't hear me."
"Maybe they are having a hard day and don't feel like talking. I won't take it personally."
You screenshot a text from a friend and show it to someone else. Did you cross a boundary? Yes or No?
Most likely, Yes... texts sent between friends are meant to be private and not shared with anyone else.
Someone's stomach is turning and feels a nit nauseous, they are sweating, and their hands are shaking
What is nervous, scared, worried, or anxious?
There is an idiom that talks about empathy, and it's related to shoes. Do you remember that saying? "Walk a mile _________________________."
"In someone else's shoes."
Today is going to a terrible day...
Today might be tough, but I am still going to try to make the best of it!
A student in class won't stop making noises, even when you ask them to stop. Thinking the worst, "They are so rude and annoying and trying to distract me on purpose." Or, thinking the best:
"Maybe they are concentrating on their work and didn't realize they were being so loud."
"Maybe they are feeling really silly and excited and I just need to calmly remind them to please quiet down."