3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
EOG Strategies
Before EOG
Are Miniature & Minute

Synonyms or Antonym

What is Antonym


2/5 + 1/5

What is 3/5


a wind that blows from land toward the water

What is land breeze


What should you do if you feel like your mind has went blank or you just need to refocus?

(Answers may vary) There are many different ways from turning your test over and closing your eyes just to pause momentarily or take a deep breath, you could roll your head in a circle slowly or even have a mental talk with yourself to regroup, etc.


Should you be on time or late to school the day of testing?

On time! It's important to be on time so you can relax and get comfortable to test. 


Cindy bought a pencil for $1.35 and an eraser for $0.80. She gave them $3.00. What is her change? 

What is $.0.85


There are about 2,000 kinds of bats. They come in many sizes. bats are rather strange looking animals. They are soft and furry with large ears. Bats can not run or walk. They usually eat insects. Bats are the only mammals that fly. What is the main idea? a. Bats are unusual mammals. b. Bats move by runnung and flying. c. Bats look like many other animals.

a. Bats are unusual mammals.


Identify the subject of the sentence: The cat ran across the street.

What is "the cat"?


What is the first thing you should do when coming across a lengthy question?

Look for keywords throughout the question, underline anything important (if you're allowed to write on the test), analyze and see what relates to any of your answers.


How many hours of sleep should you get before a test the next day?

8 hours.


What is the theme of a story?

The Lesson, moral, or message the author wants us, the readers, to apply to our own lives. 


Kaitlyn ran 5 times as far as Adrianne. Adrainne ran 375 meters. How far did Kaitlyn run?

What is 1,875 meters


What vocabulary word means the answer to a division problem? 



If you're having difficulties with a certain question, what should you do about it?

Skip the question and move on to a different one. Do not stay on that question for so long because it will take away from your test time. You can flag it and then come back to it at the end.


List some foods that you should eat before a test that will wake up your brain and body to do their actions.

(Answers may vary) Nuts, apples, yogurt, blueberries, dark chocolate, peanut butter, eggs, oatmeal, milk, orange juice, grapefruit, etc.


Our hockey team was far superior than any other team in the league. We had not lost a game yet!

What does "Superior" mean?

The best


Michael did not want to go to the dentist. He was afraid that Dr. Yurman would hurt him. He cried all the way to the office. But after all that, it didn't hurt at all. Effect: Michael cried all the way to the office. What was the cause? a. He wanted to see Dr. Yurman. b. He was afraid of the dentist. c. The dentist didn't hurt him at all.

b. He was afraid of the dentist.


A force that causes a spring scale to show weight of an object.

What is gravity?


What are several ways to improve your chances of getting the right answer on a multiple choice question?

(Answers may vary) Eliminate any answers that do not make sense or go with the question. Cover your answers and read the question over again and look for key words. Etc..


Before taking your test, should you write down anything you remember that will help you or should you just wing it and go by what you think would be right.

You should write down whatever you remember (which is also known as Memory Cues); never wing it. Always chose the best thing to do over just "getting by". (Possible cues include formulas, dates, quotation or acronym.)


What is the product of 12 x 5?

What is 60?


If Michael started playing soccer at 5:30 p.m and ended at 7:46 p.m. How much time has passed?

What is 2 hrs and 16 min.


What are three equivalent fraction for 2/5.

Possible answers (there could be others) 4/10; 6/15; 8/20; 10/25; 12/30; etc.


What is one thing you can do during the test to be successful?

Read the directions, pace yourself, review your answers, etc.


Should you cram hard a night before an exam or should you stop and get your rest?

You should NOT cram a night before a test because you need approx. 8 hours of sleep and if you do cram, you won't really remember anything because of how tired you are. You need your focus and recognition.