This is man's chief end
To glorify God and enjoy him forever
This event marks when sin entered the world
The Fall
This Judge arose during a time when no men would stand up to lead Israel
This man was a head above all his peers, and very handsome
King Saul
This was the woman in the city of Jericho who helped the spies
The Scriptures principally teach this...
What man is to believe concerning God and what duties God requires of man
The mighty men who saved Israel from their enemies before they had a king
In this biblical story, this judge narrowed down his army to only 300 men by having them do what
Drink from a river and Gideon kept those who lapped water to their mouth with their hands
The prophet to the first two kings of Israel
This Moabite women starred in an excellent Hallmark movie about a hopeless widow finding love in a foreign land
God gave us this rule to direct us on how we may glorify and enjoy him
The Word of God, which is contained in the scriptures of the old and new testaments
This great leader of Israel was allowed to look over the promised land before he died, but what was he not able to do?
Moses could not enter into it
Out of the eater came something to eat. Out of the strong came something sweet
Honey in the carcass of a lion
Young David infamously did this after slinging one smooth stone and killing Goliath
He cut off his head!!!
Where was Jesus born, what city did he grow up in, and what tribe was he from?
These are often collectively referred to as "The Godhead"
This obstacle became passable when an a dam of water happened upstream, at Adam
The Jordan River
This left handed warrior is best known for killing a very fat king
The prophet Samuel heard this when he confronted Saul about his failure to kill King Agag
The bleating of sheep and the lowing of the oxen
This title of Jesus is caught up in his name, Yeshua.
This historical document is the basis for our Sunday morning recitals
Westminster Shorter Catechism
They say "all roads lead to Rome," but our timeline road leads to this
The book of Judges ends with this somber phrase, "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone ..."
did what was right in his own eyes
The people of Israel desired a king for this reason
the nations around them had kings to save them
The term that describes the second person of the Trinity taking on humanity
The Incarnation