I think I can
I'm doing okay
This seems promising
Might as well
I'm getting paid to play this

This progress report is due no later than 120 days after the end of the period of performance.

Final Project Progress Reports

A recipient must submit, in addition to the last annual project progress report, a final project progress report.


The recipient must obtain the prior written consent of all members before using their names, photographs, and other identifying information for publicity, promotional or other purposes

Confidential Member Information


This must be obtained for members under 18 years of age before members begin a term of service

Parental Consent


This financial report is due no later than 120 days after the end of the project period.

Final Financial Reports

Recipients completing the final year of their award must submit, in lieu of the last semi-annual financial report, a final financial report in AmeriCorps’ Grants Management System.


All recipients and subrecipients must complete and retain a certificate of completion of this eCourse training every year to ensure that recipients and subrecipients conducting criminal history background checks comply with all NSCHC requirements.

AmeriCorps’ National Service Criminal History Check (NSCHC) TRAINING

Each grant recipient and subrecipient must identify at minimum one staff person who has some responsibility for NSCHC compliance to fulfill this requirement on behalf of the grant recipient or subrecipient. The grant recipient and subrecipient must retain the certificate of completion and assign staff to retake the course annually prior to the expiration of the certificate. Grant recipients and subrecipients should save certificates of completion from each year as grant records.


The recipient must obtain the prior written approval of before deviating from the approved budget in any of the following ways:

1. Specific Costs Requiring Prior Approval before Incurrence under the uniform administrative requirement, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards at 2 CFR Parts 200 and 2205. Certain cost items in 2 CFR Parts 200 and 2205 require approval of the awarding agency for the cost to be allowable such as pre-award costs. Please ensure you consult the regulations prior to incurring costs to ensure allowability.

2. Purchases of Equipment over $5,000 using award funds, unless specified in the approved application and budget.

3. Unless the AmeriCorps share of the award is $100,000 or less, changes to cumulative and/or aggregate budget line items that amount to 10 percent or more of the total budget must be approved in writing in advance by AmeriCorps. The total budget includes both the AmeriCorps and recipient shares. Recipients may transfer funds among approved direct cost categories when the cumulative amount of such transfers does not exceed 10 percent of the total budget.

AmeriCorps’ Office of Grant Administration


While charging time to the AmeriCorps program, accumulating service or training hours, or otherwise performing activities supported by the AmeriCorps program or AmeriCorps, staff and members may not engage in these. 

Prohibited Activities


The recipient must first obtain the prior written approval of this person before making any of the following programmatic changes:

1. Changes in the scope, objectives, or goals of the program, whether or not they involve budgetary changes;

2. Substantial changes in the level of member supervision;

3. Entering into additional sub awards or contracts for AmeriCorps activities funded by the award, but not identified or included in the approved application and award budget.

AmeriCorps Portfolio Manager


the organization that manages the AmeriCorps program and places members into service locations. State subrecipients (programs) are these. National recipients must identify at least one of these where they can assign service locations in the state where they are placing members.

Operating site


The recipient shall complete and submit these in AmeriCorps’ Grants Management System to report the status of all funds.

financial reports

The recipient must submit timely cumulative financial reports in accordance with AmeriCorps guidelines according to the following schedule:

Start of award through March 31 - Due April 30 

April 1 – September 30 - Due October 30


The recipient shall complete and submit these in AmeriCorps’ Grants Management System to report on progress toward achievement of its approved performance targets.

Project Progress Reports


an organization receiving AmeriCorps award funds and/or member positions from a recipient of AmeriCorps funds.



Program created positions where AmeriCorps members provide an additional layer of leadership and support for members under certain conditions.

Team Leaders

All the activities and prohibitions that apply to AmeriCorps members also apply to Team Leaders. 

Team Leaders are not permitted to act in a staff capacity, including supervising members. 

Team Leaders must not be responsible for program development and coordination; however, they may assist by providing information and resources on best practices or by helping to develop portions of the program such as the training curriculum. 

Under no circumstances should an AmeriCorps member serving as a Team Leader be the individual legally responsible for the program or other members.

 Unallowable Team Leader activities include: signing member timesheets; evaluating member performance; disciplining AmeriCorps members; enrolling/dismissing AmeriCorps members; writing and/or signing program reports; managing the program’s payroll and budget


All recipients and subrecipients must complete and retain a certificate of completion of this eCourse every year to ensure that recipients and subrecipients are aware of policy and procedures requirements.

Developing Policies and Procedures: A Resource for AmeriCorps State and National Grantees

Each grant recipient and subrecipient must identify at minimum one staff person to fulfill this requirement on behalf of the grant recipient or subrecipient. The grant recipient or subrecipient must retain the certificate of completion and assign staff to retake the course annually prior to the expiration of the certificate. Grant recipients and subrecipients must save certificates of completion from each year as grant records


These Payments are distributed in regular increments and should not fluctuate based on the number of hours served in a particular time period and must cease when the member’s service ceases

Not a wage. Not paid hourly. 

A living allowance

If a member serves all required hours and is permitted to conclude their term of service before the originally agreed upon end of term, the recipient may not provide a lump sum payment to the member. Similarly, if a member is selected after the program’s start date, the recipient must provide regular living allowance payments from the member’s start date and may not increase the member’s living allowance incremental payment or provide a lump sum to make up any missed payments.


This entity is legally accountable to AmeriCorps for the use of award funds, and/or member positions, and is bound by the provisions of the award. They are responsible for ensuring that subrecipients or other organizations carrying out activities under this award comply with all applicable Federal requirements



In order for a member to receive an education award from the National Service Trust, the recipient must certify to the National Service Trust that the member has satisfactorily and successfully completed the term of service and is eligible to receive the education benefit

Member Exit


an award or subaward for the planning of a national service program. State Service Commissions may also award these as part of their Formula Cost Reimbursement prime award.

Planning Grant


Each recipient may request these if they cannot submit a required report by the given deadline. 

Extensions of reporting deadlines will be granted only when: 

1) the report cannot be furnished in a timely manner for reasons, in the determination of AmeriCorps, legitimately beyond the control of the recipient; and 

2) AmeriCorps receives a written request explaining the need for an extension before the due date of the report.


Any recipient who makes a materially false statement or representation in connection with the approval or disbursement of an education award or other payment from the National Service Trust may be liable for the recovery of funds and subject to civil sanctions

Penalties for false information


Programs and activities must be accessible to persons with disabilities, and the recipient must provide this for the known mental or physical disabilities of otherwise qualified members, service recipients, applicants, and staff.

Reasonable Accommodation


an individual: 

1. Who has been selected by a recipient or subrecipient to serve in an approved national service position; 

2. Who is a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States; 

3. Who is at least 17 years of age at the commencement of service unless  is out of school and enrolled in a full-time, year-round youth corps or fulltime 3 summer program as defined in the NCSA (42 U.S.C. § 12572 (a)(3)(B)(x))

4. Who has received a high school diploma or its equivalent, agrees to obtain a high school diploma or its equivalent (unless this requirement is waived based on an individual education assessment conducted by the program) and the individual did not drop out of an elementary or secondary school to enroll in the program, or is enrolled in an institution of higher education on an ability to benefit basis and is considered eligible for funds under 20 U.S.C. § 1091.

Member or participant


All recipients and subrecipients must complete and  this eCourse training every year to ensure that recipients and subrecipients are aware of major financial grants management requirements for all federal recipients and subrecipients.

Key Concepts of Financial Grants Management

Each grant recipient and subrecipient must identify at minimum one staff person who has some responsibility for financial grants management compliance to fulfill this requirement on behalf of the grant recipient or subrecipient. The grant recipient and subrecipient must retain the certificate of completion and assign staff to retake the course annually prior to the expiration of the certificate. Grant recipients and subrecipients must save certificates of completion from each year as grant records.


All recipients and subrecipients must complete and retain a certificate of completion of this eCourse every year to ensure that recipients and subrecipients are aware of fraud risk and controls.

AmeriCorps Fraud Awareness Training for AmeriCorps Grantees

Each grant recipient and subrecipient must identify at minimum one staff person to fulfill this requirement on behalf of the grant recipient or subrecipient. The grant recipient or subrecipient must retain the certificate of completion and assign staff to retake the course annually prior to the expiration of the certificate. Grant recipients and subrecipients must save certificates of completion from each year as grant records.


A member may be suspended (via compelling personal circumstances) during this period. If suspended, the member may not receive a living allowance.

Temporary Leave

The length of the leave should be based on two considerations: 

(1) the circumstances of the situation; and 

(2) the impact of the absence on the member’s service experience and on the overall program. If the disruption would seriously compromise the member’s service experience or the quality of the program as a whole, then the grantee may offer the member the option of rejoining the program in the next class or completely withdrawing from the program.