America entered WW1 in this year -- three years after it started
What is 1917?
The peace treaty contained a war guilt clause - which said WW1 was entirely this nation's fault
What is Germany?
The US fought a war against this European nation in the 1890s
What is Spain?
This president knew how to use the media to his advantage - boxing in the White House and getting a popular stuffed animal after him
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
The unsuccessful attempt to ban alcohol is known as this
What is Prohibition?
The Zimmerman Note was a telegraph sent from Germany to this nation, urging them to attack the US
What is Mexico?
Name one new nation created by the peace treaty
Examples include: Poland, Israel, Syria, etc
The Open Door Note stated the US's desire to keep this nation open to trade for everyone
What is China?
This President busted more trusts than any other President - and resegregated the Federal government
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
During Prohibition, Americans drank in secret bars known as this
What are Speakeasies?
Before the US joined the war, Germany caused tensions to grow because they were doing this on the ocean
What is unrestricted submarine warfare?
Although the US never joined it, Wilson came up with this idea for an international community to prevent war - the predecessor to the United Nations
What is the League of Nations?
This is the term for practicing imperialism through the use of money/loans instead of direct force.
What is dollar diplomacy?
This Progressive President was handpicked by Teddy Roosevelt - but he angered Progressives so much Roosevelt challenged him in 1912
Who is Taft?
This racist, terrorist group experienced a resurgence during the 1920s, due to anti-immigrant and anti-communist feelings
What is the KKK?
The two sides in the war
What are the tripple ententra & the tripple allience
The name of the peace treaty that ended WW1
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
The US built a canal in this nation after telling them to rebel against Columbia
What is Panama?
This president was assassinated in 1900 by an anarchist - his VP, Roosevelt, would take his place
Who is McKinley?
In this court case, a man was accused of teaching the theory of evolution instead of the Bible in school
What is the Scopes Monkey Trial?
The reason why the war started in the first place
What is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The period of fear of communists - especially communist immigrants - right after WW2 ended
What is the Red Scare?
Teddy Roosevelt earned a Nobel Peace Prize for brokering a peace treaty between these two imperial powers
What are Russia and Japan?
This president is the only one to be elected in non-consecutive terms
Who is Grover Cleveland?
Using "science" (now disproven) to support racist ideas is known as this
What is Race Science or Eugenics