Famous Artists
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Art Vocabulary
Famous Artworks
Wacky Art Facts

I was obsessed with shoes growing up, which led me to becoming a graphic designer for a fashion magazine. I rose to fame with my signature wig & awkward personality which caused quite the scene! I carried a tape recorder everywhere and my final artworks before my untimely death was experimenting with the first computer in the late 1980s.

Andy Warhol


I have to say, I don't understand what all the fuss is about. I mean, really, it's just a small painting of a woman with a smirk on her face.

Mona Lisa


painting outdoors

en plein air


Tasmanian landscape - rubbish dump

"The Claiming of Things" by Joan Ross


In 2003, For five hours, the Tate Modern did not realise I had stuck my artwork on their walls. Who am I?


In 1799, I was appointed first court painter, the highest position available to an artist at the Madrid court. I became prolific in painting and etching, often depicting the true horrors of my country. What many people forget is, I was deaf!

Francisco Goya


I recently had the misfortune of encountering this artwork, and I must say it was an utterly underwhelming experience. This so-called masterpiece consists of nothing more than a chaotic jumble of blue and white paint splatters on a canvas

Blue Poles


the atmosphere of a time period



A group of men having dinner - wearing sandals

The Last Supper


In my front yard, my deceased brother was buried, who was born exactly one year before I was. He also had the same name as me. Who am I?

Vincent Van Gogh 


At the age of 31, I stopped doing art in pursuit of chess. I gained the title of a chess master in 1925, and later participated in the Chess Olympiads! However, I will be forever known for "my" signature which caused quite a scandal.

Marcel Duchamp


"A preliminary drawing for a wallpaper pattern is more finished than this seascape! This painting makes any person a poor blind viewer trying to see through this fog or supposed sunrise!"

Impression Sunrise by Claude Monet


peculiar or individual



Statue of a 12 year old boy - slingshot



I was not famous until I was stolen! What am I?

The Mona Lisa

When I was 13, I was sent to work in a military factory where I was tasked with sewing and fabricating parachutes for the Japanese army during WW2. This led me to start to have hallucinations..which would eventually inspire by artmaking

Yayoi Kusama


Instead of conveying a genuine Australian beach experience, it feels more like a nightmarish tableau frozen in time...and what's with the babies having abs?!

Australian Beach Pattern by Charles Meere


In 1971, with the encouragement of Geoffrey Bardon, a European art teacher, taught a group of Aboriginal men which lately became known as the _______ ____ Movement.  

 Papunya Tula 


Nude man - crouched over - knuckles on chin - bronze 

The Thinker


I was painted in a psych ward overlooking the French countryside...from barred windows. 

Starry Night


I was named after an Italian city, that my family escaped after my father and grandfather died during the plague. I had a reputation for a short temper, and was arrested for significant crimes at least 11 times! (I even killed a man in a duel). Despite by early death at the age of 38, I became known as a master of light & shadow. 



Walking around the ramps created a dizzying experience, to say the least. I was with my grandmother and she too felt nauseous and it was difficult to control her wheelchair on this downward slope. To make matters worse, the giant skylight above caused me to almost get sun burn on my neck - I advise wearing a hat!

Guggenheim Museum, New York City


multiple appropriations in the one artwork



Pro-abortion protest sign - face 

Your Body is a Battlefield 

Apart from oil, identify 2 of the 4 other ingredients to traditionally make oil paint

olive oil, milk, eggs, lime and earth pigments for colour