This is the number of curves on a standard paper clip.
This animal is the biggest mammal on land
Who hit the most home runs ever?
Barry Bonds
Which Laining has only 9 posukim?
That of Purim morning.
Normally we don't want to be "cheap" and do the bare minimum of 9 verses, so every other reading has 10 or more; but the subject matter for Purim morning (Amalek's attack, Exodus 17:8-16) is so tightly, neatly self-contained in those 9 verses that it really didn't make sense to "bleed" into a different subject by adding a few more verses.
What inventor from NJ has over 2000 patents?
Name 4 birds that cannot fly.
Emu, Ostriches, Penguins, Streamer Ducks, Kiwis, Kakapo, Cassowary, Peacock
The amount of teams in the current MLB
What is the Only Parsha not Lained ever on Thursday?
Miketz- Chanuka always falls out on its Thursday.
These three states are located on each side of Texas.
What are New Mexico, Oklahoma, & Louisana?
What is the only mammal that doesn't have teeth?
Giancarlo Stanton was traded to this franchise in the 2017-2018 season
How is it possible that you would only be able to do Matanos L'Evyonim with food? (if you have money)
Rav Yitzchok Silverstein writes that if Purim comes out on a Friday, and you were Mekabel Shabbos early and then you realized that you forgot to give Matanos L'Evyonim, at that point you can still do the Mitzva by giving food to a poor person, although you would be unable to give money to him.
In Yerushalayim or other places that have Purim Mesulash when Purim comes out on Shabbos, Matanos L'Evyonim is given on Friday the same day you do Megila in such a case. If someone forgot to give it on Friday and remembers during Shabbos, which is 15 Adar, at that point he can still do the Mitzva by giving food to a poor person, although he would be unable to give money to him.
What is the name for seismic sea waves caused by earthquakes and volcanoes?
What is the most toxic terrestrial snake?
The inland taipan, native to central Australia
The Yankees record for most doubles in a season is 53 doubles held by which player
Don Mattingly
With variations in the jewish calendar, how is it possible to daven maariv on nine consecutive nights and every shemoneh esrei is different from the other eight?
If 30 Kislev is 4 December on Tuesday. Friday night shabbos C, Motzei shabbos C, Regular sunday night C, Monday rosh Chodesh C, Tues tal umatar Rosh Chodesh C, Wedesday night C with tal umatar, thursday night tal umatar, friday night tal umatar, motzei shabbos tal umatar
What is the chemical symbol for gold?
Which mammal has no vocal cords?
He was the only person in history to be killed in the MLB
Ray Chapman
The Mishna Berura brings down a case Where you might be forbidden from making a Brocha Rishona on a food item,and obligated to make a Bracha Achrona after eating it. What is that case?
The Mishna Berurah in Siman 196 s”k 4 says that if you steal wheat and grind it into flour, although he is required to return it. Hallachicly he is its new owner, nevertheless he may not, make a brocha on food produced from that stolen wheat.The reason for this is based in the concept of “Ein zeh Mevareich elah menaeitz”(he’s not blessing, rather he is being disgusting). This concept is only true for Brocha Rishona; as far as the Bracha achrona is concerned, if one made bread out of stolen wheat and ate to the point of satiation, since he’s now obligated from the Torah to say Birkas Hamazon, he is not absolved of his obligation, and he still has too ‘bentch’. But it's a machlokes and we arent sure whether to do neither or both.