According to the uniform policy, what can I wear in the classroom if it gets too cold?
A School uniform-approved sweatshirt, jacket etc.
How many minutes each night should I be reading for AR?
20 minutes
What should I always bring with me when I switch classes for Science or Math?
Pencil Pouch (Filled with the correct materials)
What should I bring to school for recess in the winter?
Snow Pants
-Work on it if I finish early with something
-Work on it in homework room.
-Bring it home to finish.
Who can I go to if I am having a problem with a friend or classmate?
- Any teacher
- Ms. Tiffany (School Counselor)
- Office Staff
- Mrs. Evans
What should I do when morning or afternoon announcements come on?
Stop what I am doing, stand up and face the cross.
What subject is each of these colored folders for?
Red- Friday Folder
Blue- Homework Folder
Green- Science/Social Studies
Purple- Desk
Orange- Math
Yellow- Writing
What happens if I lie about forgetting my snow gear?
Sent to the office and a phone call goes home to parents.
What should I be writing in my assignment notebook each day?
Everything that is on the assignment board.
How do I hand my tray to the lunchroom scrapers?
Gentle and respectfully
When is a good time to fill my water bottle?
In the morning, brain break time, lunchtime.
How do I transition to new subjects?
Example: Going from reading to math
Quietly get my things out and line up or sit down and get to work on something quiet. If in line, I am not talking and I am facing forward waiting for directions.
What do you do when it is time to go inside for recess?
Stop what you are doing immediately and line up. Put all the balls/ recess equiptment back.
What should I do if I forget my homework at home?
Tell the teacher, and write it in my assignment notebook to remember to bring the next day.
If someone wants to join a game I have started what should I tell them?
YES! I would love for you to join!
If I finish with something early, what should I do? (Give 3)
- Must do/ May do board
- Read AR
- Work on missing work
- Cursive Packet
-Morning Work
What should NOT be in my desk? (Give 3 things)
- Moldy food
- Things from art bin
- Toys
- Anything that will distract me
If something happens at recess (A friend conflict, injury etc.) who should I tell?
Tell a recess monitor ASAP
When is the last day for AR points for the second Trimester?
February 21st
How should I act during mass?
Respectful and Reverent. A good role model for my 2nd grade buddy.
What am I allowed to use my Chromebook for?
Taking AR Tests
Classwork (Assignments Mrs. LaCanne/ Mrs. Ruehle Give)
IXL/ Vocab A-Z
Other approved classroom sites
What materials should be in my pencil pouch?
Hint: I am looking for 8 things.
1. 2 sharpened pencils
2. Red pen
3. Blue Pen
4. Scissors
5. Skinny Markers
6. Glue Stick
7. Highlighter
8. Eraser
How do I come into the building after recess?
If I am absent, how many days do I have to make up my work?
2 days