The person who is charged with a crime
This person develops your treatment plan
Treatment Team Coordinator- extra point if you know their name
A deal between you, the Commonwealth, and your attorney where you plead guilty to get a lesser sentence
Plea Bargain
Any behavior during court such as talking, yelling, or moving around that causes you to incur a fine or jail time
Contempt of Court
If the judge gives you a sentence, but believes you can turn yourself around so he states you don't have to serve the time if you stay out of trouble
Suspended Sentence
Their job is to help you get the best outcome at trial
Defense Attorney
This person provides individual therapy, psychological testing, and assists with developing your treatment plan
Your plea if you committed the crime
How do you progress from level 1 to level 2 groups
Attend all groups while at level 1, take prescribed medications, and good behavior on the unit
A neutral party that makes sure everyone follows the rules and decides what your sentence will be
The Judge
This person prescribes medication that helps you cope with your mental illness and recommends treatment
The psychiatrist- extra point if you can name yours
Your plea if you did not do the crime
Not Guilty
What is it called when someone lies on the stand
True or False: you can stand up in court at speak at any time
Someone who comes to court to give their professional opinion about a topic they are an expert on
Expert Witness
This person contacts family and attorneys; coordinates information between hospital and your county
Your plea if you are saying you did the crime that you are accused of doing, but that you do not want to fight against the accusation.
No Contest
Extra point: what do you lose when you plead No Contest (The right to trial and appeal)
If you have been found guilty you can request a higher court hear your case
What are some possible punishments (other than jail) you may receive
Probation, suspended sentence, community service, house arrest, time served
Someone who comes to court to give their opinion on you as a person and what you are like
Character Witness
This person assists with all medical needs, carries out doctors orders, oversees care on the unit
RN-Nurse-Blue Scrubs
The plea that you did not understand what you were doing was against the law, or you could not behave according to the law, due to your mental illness.
Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
Which is more serious: A felony or misdemeanor?
A felony is more serious than a misdemeanor