When Jesus was tempted by the devil how did Jesus respond to the enemy all three times
Do not put the Lord your God to the test
What are the names of the first four books in the Bible
Genesis Exodus Leviticus and Numbers
What year did Pastor Nicky from Baltimore become a pastor
When was our one year anniversary
December 13
What did Jesus say to the disciples He would make them if they would follow him
Which book did the churches start
The book of acts
What book did King David died
1 kings
Who did Pastor Sparky originally go under before he joined GGCC
pastor Frankie
Who were the first three guys that left the prayer line
David, Jonathan and Pauly
What is the meaning of the Bible
Basic instructions before leaving earth
What is the longest book out of the four gospels
Who became King after King Solomon
What year did Pastor Paul become a pastor
Who is our backup choir guys
Christian and Jon Jon
Who was the first person to write the Bible
What book did Saul turn it into Paul
what book did Moses painted the Red Sea
What year did AGM started
Who made the idea of the Prayer Line
What did God tell Abraham right before he sacrifice Jacob
Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son
What did Jesus say when Peter sunk into the water
O you of little faith why did you doubt
Who was the first person after Adam and Eve
Who was the second pastor after Safka
Pastor Milano
When did we do our first ever prayer night
How many times did Paul the apostle go to prison
Seven times