famous couples
famous jim/ jimmy

They met on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005), and their romance quickly made them one of Hollywood’s most talked-about couples before their split in 2016

Who are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie


Starred in "How the Gring Stole Christmas" and "Dumb and Dumber"

Jim Carrey


Known for their chemistry both on-screen and off-screen. They were married for over 30 years, but they met in 1922 when they were both working for this early 20th-century entertainment medium.

George burns and gracie allen


The 39th president of the United States

Jimmy Carter


These two tied the knot in 1969 and both made music. Although not many like her as they see her as the reason of his band breaking up.

John Lennon and Yoko ono


This English guitarist is the founder of the band Led Zepplin

Jimmy Page


This powerful couple has been together for almost forty years and has been married for over three decades. The two met in 1981 on a television show. And both starred in Sleepless in Seattle.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson


Died last year and was a famous singer and song writer known for his song Margaritaville

Jimmy Buffett


This royal couple got married in 2018 which was a controversial thing to happen in England. She was a showcase woman on Deal or no Deal

Megan Markle and Prince harry


Famous actor that starred in "Its a Wonderful Life"

Jimmy Stewart