Who is Warchief Of The Horde?
Name 1 BOE Drop from SFK
Bonus points if you name more than 1. 50 Points each Item!
[Assassin's Blade][Black Malice] [Duskbringer][Face Smasher][Guillotine Axe] [Night Reaver][Shadowfang]
[Witching Stave][Mindthrust Bracers]
[Necrology Robes][Gloomshroud Armor]
Who Wields the Warglaives Of Azzonoth?
First and Last Name
Illidan Stormrage
Who is Guild Master?
Who is referenced as " The Dark Lord"
The Lich King
Who is the Final Boss of Classic?
(Will Take 2 Answers, If you give me both you get an extra 100 Points )
Bonus: C'thun after WOTLK
Name the 4 Old Gods
C'Thun, N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron and Y'Shaarj
Who is Illidans Crush?
First and Last Name
Tyrande Whisperwind
What is the Guild's Theme Song?
Dumb Ways To Die
Who was the first Lich King?
Who gives you the Quest " Fungal Spores" in Crossroads?
Apothercary Helbrim
Who is the Strongest Orc in WoW history?
Who is Illidan's Master?
No one
Whats The Name of The Guild?
Who Killed Arthas?
( Will take 2 answers, both gets extra 50 points )
Tirion or The Players
What Quest on Alliance Will Flag you for PvP in Dustwallow Marsh?
The Missing Diplomat
Who Created The Titans?
In What War did Illidan acquire the Warglaives of Azzonoth?
War Of The Ancients
What Dungeon Did GM Meet Bwon in?
What Professor is in ICC?
Professor Putricide
Name the 4 Horseman in Naxx
Thane Korth'azz, Lady Blaumeux, Sir Zeliek, and Highlord Mograine
What WoW Expansion is considered the worst by majority of the Player base?
What does Kil'Jaeden emerge out of in " The Sunwell"?
The Sunwell
What is the Discord Pic Idea for the Guild Discord?
Silly Grim Reaper
What Raid is the Last Raid in WoTLK?
Ruby Sanctum