How do you spell dads real name?
What is Maryams Fav color?
What is the third plant from the sun?
Who is number 001 in s2 of squid game?
the front man
How do you spell moms real name?
what kind of food does Maryam like?
Are you dumb?
Any answer works
Who is the maker of the squid games?
001 s2
How old is Maryam?
Front man-S2 001
Cool fact
Any cool fact(has to be real)
What happens to 001 of S1?
He dies in his death bed next to 456.
what was dads old password?
What grade is maryam in?
8th grade
Who inspires you to be better?
What was the second game in squid game S1?
Cookie game
what is the age gap between mom and dad?
11 years
What kind of food does maryam hate?
Extremely bitter food
What happend to 001 of S1?
He dies in his death bed next to 456