What do we do in class first thing in the morning?
Morning activities, play!
Fill in the blank: Be ____ to others.
What does the light monitor do?
Turn on and off the lights
What do we do in the calm corner?
Calm down, chill, keep a safe body
Who can help us in the front office?
Ms. Nancy, Ms. Melissa, or Mr. HS
Where do we sit for morning meeting?
At the carpet.
Fill in the blank: Listen with open _______ and open ______.
ears and eyes
What does the door monitor do?
Open the door when someone knocks on it
Where is our classroom library?
Back of the room with the fluffy carpet
When the bell rings at recess what should you do?
Touch down
Where do we line up for recess, lunch, and transitions?
On our line up spots in the back of the class.
Fill in the blank: Keep a __________
Who brings in the snack basket from lunch and recess?
Snack helper
Where do books go after we are done reading them?
The classroom library and the same bin we found the book.
Where do we check out books?
The library
What can we do when we have finished our work?
Lexia or Prodigy, only math or english! Or, reading a book.
Fill in the blank: Use ______ words.
Who sends notes or items to the front office?
Where can we find sharpened pencils?
On top of the shelves of classroom supplies. Next to Ms. Jenna's table.
Who helps us in the library?
Ms. Sindy!
What do we do on Monday's and Wednesday's?
Fill in the blank: Take _______ in a positive way.
Who is Ms. V's personal assistant for the week?
Teacher Helper!
Where do we put chromebooks?
At Ms. Tina's table.
Who are our friends we see every Friday?
Ms. Diamond's class!