What is the most general term when classifying organisms in Carl Linnaeus taxonomy?
What is a physical adaptation?
The physical make up of an organism that helps them to survive. Ex. Polar bears are white to blend into their surroundings.
How do humans impact diversity. Name on way.
We destroy forests, pollute waters, over fish etc.
What are most elements on the periodic table classified as?
Metals. Solids.
What is in the centre of an atom?
What charge?
What are the five Kingdoms in Carl Linnaeus classification?
Animalia, Planate, Monera, Protista, Fungi
What is a behavioural adaptation?
A behaviour that an organism displays to enhance their chance of survival.
Ex. Geese flying south for the winter .
What is the word that describes a species that has gone extinct from a certain area?
What two elements are liquids on the periodic table?
Mercury, Bromine
What circles the outside of the nucleus of an atom?
What charge to they have?
If a trait is a heritable trait what does that mean?
Give an example.
A heritable trait is a characteristic passed down from a parent.
Ex. Eye color
Where is biodiversity the greatest in numbers?
Closer to the equator
What is the difference between Artificial selection and Natural Selection?
Natural selection - nature decides who survives.
What metals are the most reactive on the periodic table?
Alkali Metals
Carbon has an atomic weight of 12
It has 6 protons and 6 electrons. How many neutrons does it have?
What is a non-heritable trait?
Give an example.
A non heritable trait is something you learn.
Ex. Ability to play the guitar.
What is Ecosystem Diversity?
Give an Example.
Different types of ecosystems.
Ex. Deserts, oceans, forests
Name 5 physical properties of substances
Colour, lustre, malleability, ductility, harness, crystal shape, boiling point, melting point, freezing point, solubility etc.
What family is the most stable on the periodic table?
The noble gases
What is the atomic weight of Gold?
What is the difference between continuous variation and discrete variation?
Continuous variation is a trait that has a range of possibilities. For example your height or hand span.
Discrete varation there are usually two options of a trait. You either have it or you don't. For example, your ear lobes are attached, or they are not.
What is genetic diversity?
Give an example.
Differences within a species to show different traits.
The peppered moth- some are white and some are black.
Name 3 chemical properties of substances
Ability to burn, reaction with air/water, acidity, toxicity
Draw the WHMIS symbol for Biohazards
How many protons does sodium have?