What month is it?
How do you get someone to come to your room to assist you?
Ring your call bell.
Name 5 desserts
cake, ice cream, cookies, pie, pudding, jello...
What is a good way to remember important information?
Write it down!
What year is it?
What can you do if you are hungry?
Ask someone for a snack, ring your call bell, use your wheelchair to go to the kitchen and ask for something...any other ideas?
Name 5 items found in the bathroom
toothbrush, toothpaste, mirror, tissue, toilet paper, soap, towels...
What is the name of your speech therapist?
Michelle :)
What is the name of this facility?
Oak Grove Health and Rehab
When you wake up, your foot is swollen and it hurts to stand up. What can you do?
Talk to your nurse, tell her your symptoms so she can assess you and talk to the doctor
Name 5 things you find in a classroom
scissors, paper, pens, pencils, teachers, students, lunchbox...
How can visualization help you remember?
Close your eyes and picture something in detail, this will help you remember
What day of the week is today?
You are hungry but when your lunch comes, you don't like it. What can you do?
Ring your call bell, ask the CNA if there is an alternate option. What might you request?
Name 5 things that are loud
concerts, school bus, jets, car horns, traffic, dogs barking, yelling...
How can association help you remember?
Associating important information with something else can help you remember it.
What is your room number?
???Did you get it right :)
You receive a bill but you don't think it is accurate. What can you do?
Ask a family member to help you. Find contact information on the bill and call to ask questions.
Name 5 things that are smelly
socks, rotten eggs, cabbage, spoiled milk, skunks...
How many did you get right?