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A place where criminals serve time duo to criminal actions
What is a prison
“a person who is forced to work for and obey another and is considered to be their property”
“what is Slave”
Q: What Netflix series did we watch at the start of the foreleg "Crime and Punishment"?
A: What is "Sherlock"
Hvad handlede dokumentaren om?
Hvad er fængsling af afroamerikaner.
- Bøj magnificent i 3. grad
- Svar: most magnificent
Mary Maloney used it to kill her husband
What is a leg of Lamb
“What do you call the drugs that were made for the black and poor people"
“What is Crack Cocaine”
Q: What genre was the text "My Sister was murdered"?
A: What is "Non-fiction"
Hvad gjorde musikken for filmen
Gjorde det intens og skabte spændning
-Hvad siger dette adverbium noget om: They arrived immediately
- Svar: Tidsadverbium
A very popular genre where murder is a typical topic
What is true crime
“a scene in a film, novel, etc. set in a time earlier than the main story”
“what is flashback”
Q: What was the main focus of our "Slaughter of the Lamb" assignment?
A: What is "Funnel structure"
Hvem slog sophie på hovedet med en cyklehjelm til julefrokost?
Villlads Gram
- awkwardly er et adverbium, der udtrykker ...
- Svar: Måde
37% of all prisoners in America
what percentage of prisoners is black in America
conditional release of a prisoner before their sentence ends, under specific terms like regular check-ins and avoiding criminal activity. Breaking these terms can result in re-imprisonment.
What is Parole
Q: What was the "Case#2" headline in the "book Case in Point Theory"?
A: What is "Characters"
Hvad hed den novelle vi skrev et essay på?
hvad er lamb to the slaughter
- It’s an act braver than marrying for love, riskier than running away with Mr. Wickham and plainer than Anne Elliot to adapt Jane Austen’s beloved, essential books for the screen.
- It’s an act braver than marrying for love, riskier than running away with Mr. Wickham and plainer than Anne Elliot to adapt Jane Austen’s beloved, essential books for the screen.
what happend on December 6, 1865
what is the 13 th amentment
“an exercise of power that is considered unjust”
“what is oppression”
Q: How did Shahika Shakur ruin the school panorama picture?
A: What is "Flashing a gang sign"
Hvad var søsteren holdning til "My Sister Was Murdered 30 years ago"
Ikke brug hendes søsters død som underholdning.