What is a cash crop?
A crop for profit.
Was the Boston massacre actually a massacre?
What is the Middle Passage?
This is the name of the trip where enslaved people were forced to sail across the ocean from Africa to the Americas.
How did the system of slavery benefit slave owners economically?
Enslaved people worked for no pay.
What is 1775?
Paul Revere is famous for his ride to warn the American colonists that British soldiers were coming. This event took place in this year.
What colony had cold winters, lumber, and shipbuilding?
New England.
Who found Connecticut?
Thomas hooker.
What is a slave ship?
The people on this ship were forced to travel in very crowded and bad conditions.
Slavery in the United States officially ended with the passing of the 13th Amendment in this year.
Who are the Puritans?
This group of people, known for their strict religious beliefs, settled in Connecticut in the 1600s and helped form the colony.
In which region has plantation?
What was the mayflower compact?
A form of government where people make their own government by the people for the people.
What is the Triangular Trade?
The Middle Passage was part of this big trade route that moved goods and people between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
Enslaved people were often forced to work on plantations that produced _________?
Cotton, tobacco, and sugar.
What is the Connecticut River?
This major river, which flows through Connecticut, was important for trade and travel during colonial times.
What are the three's G's?
God, Gold, Glory.
The passage from Africa to Caribbean is called the _____?
Middle passage.
What is 6-8 weeks?
This was the time it took for the Middle Passage, which often lasted weeks.
Slavery was most dominant in ________?
The South.
What are the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?
This famous meeting in 1636 allowed Connecticut settlers to create their own government, which later influenced the U.S. Constitution.
Which region would you move to become rich?
The middle colonies.
What are the extremely large farms, that slaves were forced to work on, called?
When enslaved people fought back or tried to escape, it was known as ________?
How were enslaved people regarded under the law in the United States?
They were treated as property.
Connecticut was given this important document in 1662, which gave the colony the right to make its own laws and elect leaders, and that is...?
The Charter of Connecticut