How many angels will carry Allah throne?
8 Angels
When should we pray Duha?
after Fajr 15 min till before Thuhr in 15 min
What should we say before we make wudu?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
What was the 1st Qibla?
Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa
What does Al-Batin mean?
The unseen
Who is the angel who control the weather?
How many Raka' are the Rawateb?
Washing our face Sunnah or Fard?
When did Allah command Salah?
During Israa and Miraj
Who is the father of the jinn?
Who are Munkar and Nakeer?
The angels of the grave
What are the 2 sunnah we must pray no matter what?
Fajr sunnah, and Witr
How many times should we wipe our head?
What should we say before Tasleem?
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من عذاب في النار و عذاب في القبر، و من فتنة المحيا و الممات و من فتنة المسيح الدّجال.
What are the jinn made of?
smokeless fire
Who is the greatest Angel ?
What is the reward of praying the Rawateb?
a house in Jannah
we should wash our hands till
What should we say during Ruku'?
سبحان ربي العظيم
How old was prophet Mohammad when he became a prophet?
40 years old
Who is Malik?
The Angel of Hell fire
What is the reward of praying duha?
As you give 206 charity
We must wipe our feet
True or false
If you don't pray you consider
not Muslim
What doe Taffakur mean?
Deeply thinking