How many moths have 28 days?
What is, all of them.
What was Jake from State Farm wearing?
What is khakis
A group of cows is called...
"I'm Lovin' it"
What is McDonald's
This character can control the weather, specifically in cold climates
Who is Elsa.
I have keys but no locks, what am I?
What is a piano
According to Geico, this is another name for Wednesday
What is "Humpday"
These birds can fly backwards.
What is Hummingbird
"_ Gives You Wings"
What is RedBull
Italian bothers
Who is Mario and Luigi
What can fill a room but takes up no space?
What is light.
What type of animal represent energizer batteries?
What is a bunny.
These animals hold hands while sleeping so they don't float away from each other.
What is otters.
"The Quicker Picker Upper"
What is Bounty
His racing number is 95
Who is Lightning McQueen
What has a head and a tail but no body?
What is a coin.
What chip can make pigs fly?
What is Doritos.
Largest animal on Earth
What is a Blue Whale
"Let's Go Places"
What is Toyota
This character can snap their fingers and wipe out half of the earth's population.
Who is Thanos
What is so simple it can only point, yet guides people all over the world?
What is a compass.
Which specific food "dust" can you see under a blacklight?
What is Cheetos.
A common garden snail has about how many teeth?
What is 14,000
"How Doers Get More Done"
What is Home Depot
This character loves to ask, "are you satisfied with your care?"
Who is Baymax