I'm the boy's grandfather.
Perseus caput monstri vulneravit.
caput is the direct object and is accusative
missus (mitto, mittere, misi, missus)
Greek goddess of the hearth
Hestia (What's my Latin name?)
Ego nihil dixi.
perfect active
Perseus calls me dad.
Polydectes rex matri filioque domum in insula dedit.
matri (and filio) are indirect objects and are dative
scribentes (scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus)
Roman god of the underworld
Pluto (or Dis, or Orcus)
Liberi laudati sunt.
perfect passive
Total number of Gorgons in Greek mythology
three (Stheno, Euryale, Medusa)
Perseus monstrum horribile suo gladio graviter vulnerat.
gladio is an ablative of means/instrument
Carthago delenda est. (deleo, delere, delevi, deletus)
FPP (gerundive)
*This is a textbook example of the passive periphrastic.
Greek goddess of the hunt
Artemis (What's my Latin name?)
Rex moritur.
present passive (deponent verb!)
Polydectes' island kingdom
Seriphos (Seriphus)
Postquam Perseus Andromedam servaverat, laudem populorum accepit.
populorum is in the genitive case --
After Perseus had saved Andromeda, he received the praise of the people.
daturi (do, dare, dedi, datus)
Roman equivalent of the Greek god Pan
Nuntius magna voce in foro clamabatur.
imperfect passive
Besides the Gray Sisters, Perseus' divine benefactors (gift givers)
Apollo & Minerva
Andromeda monstrum vidit et, "Pater! Serva me!" clamavit.
Since Andromeda is addressing her father, pater is in the vocative case.
timens (timeo, timere, timui, ---)
Greek consort of Hades
Viderasne in mari beluam ferocem?
pluperfect active