What is the role of your School Counselor?
Graduation Requirements
Credits Earned
Credits Missing
Test Scores
Course Request
What are my options for education after high school?
Accelerated Skills Training
Technical College
Specialty Program
Two-Year College
Four-Year University
What is a Brag Sheet?
A very detailed resume' with everything about you!
Certifications, Extracurricular Activities, Outside of School Involvement, Athletics, Community Service, Work Experience, Travel Experience, College Goals, College Aspirations, Special Notes
What does "college" include?
Accelerated Skills Training
Technical College
Specialty Program
Two-Year College
Four-Year University
What academic credits are required for the Bright Futures Scholarship?
2 credits - Same World Language
4 credits - English
4 credits - Math
3 credits- Science
3 credits - Social Science (History)
What is the role of the College & Career Specialist?
Assist students with
Brag Sheet
Career Exploration
Creating a College List
College Applications (August-Senior Year)
FAFSA - Financial Aid (December-Senior Year)
Bright Futures
Tuition Reimbursement Opportunities
Describe each:
Accelerated Skills Training
Technical College
Specialty Program
Two-Year College
Four-Year University
Apprenticeship - Paid training (Orange Tech)
Accelerated Skills Training - Learning a skill at a fast pace (Valencia College)
Military - Career, Pay for College, Protect the US
Technical College - Get certified & go to work
Specialty Program - License required
Two-Year College - Associate's Degree
Four-Year University - Bachelors & beyond
Why do I need a Brag Sheet?
It will be very helpful for college applications and scholarships. Most of the information that you include on the Brag Sheet will be a part of the college application.
Counselors will request a copy of your Brag Sheet with assisting with your college application or writing letter of recommendations.
What is a college list?
A list of colleges that match your interests such as major and location.
What is weighted GPA the requirement for the Florida Medallion Scholarship (FMS)?
Florida Academic Scholarship (FAS)?
FMS = 3.0
FAS = 3.5
Where can I find Freedom specific College & Career related information?
2024-25 Student Services Canvas
Using launchpad, how can I search for careers?
Explore Options > Careers > Filters
Where do I find the Brag Sheet?
2024-25 Student Services Canvas
Look at your grade level for "Brag Sheet! (Resume')."
Where can I create a college list?
Lots of places!
Xello on launchpad.
Big Future on CollegeBoard
College & Career Google Folder - Add College & Career List - For Me! from your grade level link in Student Services
How many community service hours are required for graduation?
How many community service hours are required for the Bright Futures Scholarship?
How many work hours are required for the Bright Futures Scholarship?
Can you combine community service & work?
Graduation = 0
Community Service = 100 (FAS) or 75 (FMS)
Work Hours = 100 (FAS or FMS)
Combination of Community Service & Work
Where is the College & Career Center located?
Room 802 in the Student Services Department
Is there an online career test I can take?
Yes! There are many. Here is one easy and quick way to find careers that match your interest.
Select one picture you like and one you do not like. Complete all 15 questions and a list of careers that match your interests based on your answers will populate.
When should I complete my Brag Sheet?
Update frequently. Include as much detail as possible.
The Brag Sheet will need to be ready for use August 1st of your Senior Year.
What should I look for in a college?
Qualifications - GPA, SAT or ACT, academics
Major - Does the college have what you want to study?
What SAT / ACT are required for FMS?
What SAT / ACT are required for FAS?
FMS = 1210 SAT or 25 ACT
FAS = 1340 SAT or 29 ACT
When should I read Student Services Announcements?
When should I read emails?
What is the OOH?
Occupational Outlook Handbook is used to search for careers, descriptions, education required, salary, and more.
What do I put in each of these sections?
Certifications, Extracurricular Activities, Outside of School Involvement, Athletics, Community Service, Work Experience, Travel Experience, College Goals, College Aspirations, Special Notes
Certifications-have you earned any certifications from the high school classes you have completed
Extracurricular - Any organizations related to Freedom High School (band, SGA, etc.)
Outside of School Involvement - Any organizations not related to Freedom High School (Scouts, Church, etc.)
Athletics - Do you play any organized sports with Freedom or with a club?
Community Service - Have you volunteered? Where?
Work - Do you have a job?
Travel Experience - Describe any travel that has impacted your college or career decision.
Answer the questions under:College Goals, College Aspirations, Special Notes
When should my college list be ready?
When will I apply to college?
August 1st of your senior year.
August 1st of your senior year.
When do you complete the application for the Bright Futures?
When do you work on meeting all requirements?
How much is the FAS?
How much is the FMS?
October of your senior year.
Start working now!
FAS = $4000 - $6000 per year for 4 years
FMS = $2000 - $4000 per year for 4 years