What is the first mandatory step that every person in MA needs to get before getting a drivings license?
Drivers Permit
What is the fee that is paid to a landlord called?
What is a spending plan called?
a budget
- Snapchat
- Discord
Whats my dogs name?
What website can be used to check the value of a car?
Kelley Blue Book
What is the agreement between a landlord and tenant called?
What time of bank account typically doesn't earn interest?
Checking Account
What is one pro & one con of social media
- Social connection
- Bullying
- 3
What is the average number of miles a person drives per year?
10,000 - 12,000 miles
What do you need to pay to before moving into an apartment?
First, Last and Security
What is one example of a necessity and a luxury?
- food / shelter
- Jordans / Video games
What is a risk of using public wifi and what can you do to prevent it ?
- being hacked
- use a vpn
- Nessy
- Vessa
- Booboonessa
What is the consequence of being caught driving a unregistered & uninsured vehicle ?
in Massachusetts, this could mean a fine between $500 and $5,000, and a 60-day license suspension
Yearly & Month to Month
What is the savings recommendations taught by BayCoast bank?
80 % Savings
20 % Expenses
- risk of committing a crime
- photos never go away
- Bo Nix
- Dak Shepard
What are the steps to changing a tire ?
prepare tools, loosen lug knots, raise the vehicle, remove flat tire, install spare , lower car, tighten lug knots, check tire pressure.
What are two types of housing assistance programs you could apply ?
Section 8 Voucher
What is the recommend savings split for needs, wants and savings?
50 % needs
30 % wants
20 % savings
Continuously calling/texting and contacting can be referred to as what? and what is the consequence of this in MA?
- Stalking / Harrassment
- Felony charge / Jail time
What is the whole name of Vanessas guinea pig?
Creed Lebron Honeybun Bratton