what color is Ordinary time
How long is christmas
12 days
what does lent mean?
How long is it?
3 days
who led the mass?
A deacon and a priest
what does the color stand in Ordinary time say two answers?
It stands for hope,and the life of Jesus
what do we celebrate on christmas
The birth of Jesus
What are the colors?
Purple and White
when does it start?
the evening of holy Thursday
who were the alter servers
Grace, Meghan. and Ana
True or false it is the longest season of the church?
what the date of Christmas
December 25
How long is lent?
46 days
What are the three days called
holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday
Who were the readers?
Viviana and Anton.
True or false it happened twice a year.
What color is christmas
White and Gold
True or false its calm day of the church?
Its serious
What happened on each day of Triduum?
The last supper, Jesus death, and Jesus was put in the tomb.
what ends Christmas
The baptism of the Lord
what number of the season is Ordinary time in?
3rd and 6th
what season does is come before
What does it prepare for?
The death of christ
What is the color and why?
Red and because its the blood of Christ and the holy spirit.
Who is getting baptized on Sunday?
Who is getting baptized on Sunday?