Who told Joseph that Mary was having a baby?
St. Gaberil
What are the colors of Easter?
White and Gold
What is Good Friday?
Jesus died for our sins and he open the gates of heaven.
How long is lent?
40 days not including Sundays
What was the presit wearing?
A white vestment
Who wanted to kill all the baby?
King Herod
How long is Easter?
30 Days
What does red stand for triduum
Blood and the Holy Spirit
What does purple and violet mean?
It means preparing.
At what time did the mass finish?
Why did king Herod wanted to kill all the babys?
Because he was trying to kill the son of Gods baby.
Is it the greatest season of the church?
Yes,it is the greatest season of the church
What is Holy Saturday ?
He was taken to his tomb?
When does lent being?
Ash Wednesday.
Who were the readers?:
Anton and Vivanan
What were the 3 gifts that the 3 wise man gave to Jesus?
When does it end on?
What is Holy Thursday?
The last super
What can you not eat on good Friday?
When does Christmas end?
The baptism of the lord
Did Herod kill his eldest son?
Yes 5 days before he had died.
Who discovered Jesus tomb?
Mary Magdalene
What are the 3 day in triduum?
Holy Thursday,Good Friday,and Holy Saturday.
What's one thing you do on lent?
Giving up something you like.
who did Elizabeth give birth too?
John the baptism