My arm hurts.
Me duele el brazo.
He always injures himself in sports.
Él siempre se lastima en los deportes.
I don't want to hurt the animals.
No quiero herir los animales.
I am sick.
Estoy enfermo/a.
Your stomach hurts.
Te duele el estómago.
They are going to injure themselves in the soccer game.
Se van a lastimar en el partido de fútbol.
Words hurt.
Las palabras hieren.
She had (ongoing) a fever
Tenía fiebre.
Ana's feet hurt.
A Ana le duelen los pies.
Every summer we injured ourselves in the pool.
Todos los veranos nos lastimábamos en la piscina.
I don't want to hurt you.
No quiero herirte.
I am allergic to peanuts (cacahuetes).
Estoy alérgico/a a los cacahuetes.
Your throat was sore yesterday.
Te dolía la garganta ayer.
You all (vosotros) injured yourselves because you fell.
Os lastimasteis porque os caísteis.
You hurt (pasado) me.
Me heriste
You were coughing and sneezing.
Tú tosías y estornubas.
Carlitos' legs were hurting last night
A Carlitos le dolían las piernas anoche.
He injured his knee and he twisted his ankle.
Se lastimó la rodilla y se torció la rodilla.
She hurt (pasado) us.
Ella nos hirió.
He was running when he broke a bone.
Él corría cuando se rompió un hueso.