Hundreds, affixed to the wall by glue
What are Sports Illustrated Covers?
The teachers who loved Rob
Who is every single one?
His partner in burying a lunch box in the back yard.
Who is Mary?
Down the front stairs, easy to sneak out of.
Where was Robert and David’s bedroom?
He played this performing artist in the MSJ air band contest
Who is Gene Simmons?
The person to trust with a machete?
Who is Joseph?
Forestry, archeology, anthropology
Rob’s college major
On the back of the Red Baron, this bumper sticker read….
What is ”This bumper sticker is holding my bumper on”
A missing contact lens
Why did MSJ stop a football game?
Best baseball buddy.
Who is David?
Junior prom date
who is Marie Francis?
They had a white Christmas tree with rotating multi color lights, very 1970s
The Kehoes
Her (mom’s) set of keys
What did Mom jingle as an incentive when Rob had a foul shot?
Ate all the orange slices before half time at St. Peter’s field while serving as ball boy?
who is John?
Other prom date
who is Maureen Gallagher?
Our milk man
Who was Andy Denardo
The very best date of all
Who is Mary Ann B?