I am a fatal brain eating amoeba.
What is Naegleria fowleri?
Sand Flies are my main vector.
What is leishmania?
I can cause mouth, vaginal and systemic infections.
What is candida albicans?
I can be transmitted through undercooked foods and cat waste.
What is Toxoplasma gondii?
If you have me, you can't stay awake.
What is trypanosome infection?
The anopheles is my vector.
What is Plasmodium?
I cause severe diarrhea and cramping when you drink contaminated water with me.
What is Entamoeba/Giardia Lamblia?
You must wear shoes or you might get me in your gut.
What is ancylostoma duodenale or Necator Americanus?
I am a global threat in areas with un-sanitized water teeming with snails.
What is schistomiasis?
I am frequently spread through undercooked meat which harbor my eggs.
What are tapeworms?
I cause severe anemia by hooking onto the intestinal wall.
What are Ancylostoma and Necator Hookworms?
What is a cyst?
"Trich" is my street name, prostitution spread my fame.
What is trichomonas?
My larvae are in the muscle tissue of animals.
What is Trichinella spiralis?
I am always in the lungs but if you have HIV I can cause severe breathing diffuculties.
What is Pneumocystis jirovecii?
I am transmitted through bird droppings and can spread to the meninges of the CNS.
What is Crytococcus neoformans?
I can have three types of disease symptoms when you get bit by the fly.
What is Leishmaniasis?
I am a common environmental fungi in bird/bat droppings.
What is Histoplasma capsulatum?
What is Aspergillus fumigatus?
I attack the outside layer on you.
What are dermatophytes?