Scientific Method Steps

After testing your plants under different sunlight conditions, you compare the results and find that the plants with more sunlight grew taller.
What step of the scientific method are you completing now?

What is results?


You want to test if adding sugar to water makes ice cubes freeze faster.
What is the problem or question you would ask?

Does adding sugar to water make ice cubes freeze faster?


This variable is the factor that you change on purpose in an experiment.

What is the independent variable?


Based on your results, you conclude that plants watered more frequently do grow faster than those watered less.
What step of the scientific method is this?

What is conclusion?


You notice that some plants in your garden are growing taller than others.
What is the first step of the scientific method you should take in this scenario?

What is making an observation?


In an experiment, if you change the amount of water given to a plant, the growth of the plant might change. In this example, the amount of water is the ___ variable.

What is the independent variable?


This is the statement you make that predicts the outcome of the experiment, often written as "If (this), then (that)."

What is a hypothesis?


You want to test if adding sugar to water makes ice cubes freeze faster.
What is the problem or question you would ask?

Does adding sugar to water make ice cubes freeze faster?


In the same plant experiment, the height of the plant after a week is the ___ variable

What is the dependent variable?


You notice that your flashlight isn't working properly. Sometimes, it flickers, and other times, it doesn't turn on at all.
What is the first step you should take to investigate this problem?

What is making an observation?


You hypothesize that ice cubes with sugar water will freeze faster than those with plain water. 

What is your hypothesis for this experiment?

If I add sugar to water, then the ice cubes will freeze faster?


After performing the experiment, you measure the height of the plants over two weeks and record the data. You find that the plants with more sunlight grew taller than the others.
What is the dependent variable in this experiment?

What is the height of the plants?


What are the six steps of Scientific Method?

Observation, problem/question, hypothesis, experiment, results, conclusion.


After testing the ice cubes, you find that the ice cubes with sugar water took longer to freeze than those with plain water.
What is your conclusion based on these results?

Adding sugar to water makes the ice cubes freeze more slowly?


What is the acronym that was taught to help remember the two different types of variables?