English Colonies in Virginia
Queen Elizabeth I Era
The Lost Colony of Roanoke
The Virginia Company

Reason why the Catholic Church was angry at Luther 

Luther was questioning the Church's authority 


Who did Queen Elizabeth I task with starting a colony in North America 

Sir Walter Raleigh 



Sir Walter Raleigh sent another group of settlers to Virginia (100) 



The Virginia Company received a royal charter from King James I 


After set amount of years, what would indentured servants receive? 

4 things indentured servants received during their time


paid trip to North America, clothes, shelter, food 


1517 and define protestant 

1517- Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation 

Protestant- protested some practices of the catholic church 


What was the goal of Queen Elizabeth the I 

To find the best location for a settlement 



To settle on Chesapeake Bay - the bay was deeper which is better for larger ships 


How would the company make money for England? 

They would export and sell good in Europe 

Selling goods the colonists would make 


5 specific rules the company had for the colonists 

find a good location, build a safe settlement, find gold, make a profit, and find an all water route to the Pacific Ocean 


Religion of England 

(What they followed and leader) 

Followed the teachings of Martin Luther and they were Christian Protestant 


1st group of settlers landed where and describe the Native Americans living on this land 

North Carolina 

The Native Americans living on this land in North Carolina were friendly and the land was good for growing crops. 


Reason why they landed on Roanoke Island 

Leader of Roanoke Island 

The pilot refused to take them to Chesapeake Bay 

John White 


How would the Virginia Company make money for themselves? 

By selling shares to shareholders 


Timeline of dates

April 1607, May 1607, June/July 1607, December 1607 

April- Ships arrived with indentured servants from England to Chesapeake Bay 

May- Found a site for their settlement 

June/July- Bad river water, mosquitos, short supply of food all led colonists to become sick 

December- New supplies and colonists arrived in Jamestown 


Religion of Spain 

(What they followed and leader) 

Roman Catholic Church and the Pope


Year a group lands on Roanoke Island 

Describe the Native Americans here 


The Native Americans living on Roanoke Island were not friendly- stopped helping the colonists when they ran out food and supplies 


Reason why John White returned to England and why it took him so long to return to Virginia 

The colonists were running out of supplies

There was an ongoing war that prevented John White to return to Virginia- took him 2 years 


December 1606 

Virginia Company sent 3 ships with over 100 men and boys to North America, their destination was Jamestown 


Tell about John Rolfe 

Define cash crop 

John Rolfe arrived in Jamestown in the Spring of 1610. He brought Spanish tobacco seeds with him and they sold well. He shipped the tobacco to England and tobacco became the cash crop. Cash crop is a crop that farmers only raise to sell. 

Rolfe then married Pocahontas, which created peace between the Native Americans and the colonists 


The 4 things England and Spain fought over 

1. land

2. resources 

3. trade

4. Religion 


What year did the colonists return to England 



What did John White notice when he finally returned? 

There were no more English Colonists living on the land- the only thing left was the word Croatoan 


Indentured servants 

(Definition, how long they worked for) 

Someone who agrees to work without pay for a set amount of time (7 years) 


Describe the House of Burgesses

The House of Burgesses included 1 governor and 22 representatives. By this time there were 11 towns in Virginia. Each selected 2 representatives. House of Burgesses was the first representative government that assembled in English North America