How do they use buffalo skin to help them hunt?
To blend in.
They are among the _______est native American.
__________ was difficult for the plains Indians to do.
Where do they live
The plains. I’m Genuinely shocked if you got this wrong.
They later became so wastfull and greedy they almost made what happen.
Make buffalos go extinct.
What did they use to hunt.
Bows and arrows
What do they sometimes use buffalo skin for?
Making clothes.
Hunters had to _________ to the plains
True or false:
they had plenty of trees to use
They where good ____ist
What do they use their brains and courage to do?
Make traps to catch buffalo.
About how many separate plains Indian tribes are ther?
Around 30
What did they use for water jugs?
Buffalo blatters.…… nasty.
True or false:
the plains where extremley dry
What caused the eventual downfall of the plains Indians?
Name 2 of the 3 resons buffalo are good to hunt.
1 they are nutritious
2 there are lots of them
3 they dumb
The nomand tribe.
What where the teepees they live in made out of?
Animal skin
name one of the four climate conditions they had to deal with
1 windy
2 dry
3 extreme heat
4 extreme cold
By the ____’s the days of the plains Indians where over
What did they eventually trade buffalo skin for?
What animal (excluding buffalo) was a big part of there culture
What did they use for fire fuel?
Buffalo dung.
They live in a place of tornados _______ and _______
Blizzards and droughts.
Different genders of plains Indians prefer different types of art. Name both boys and girls different art intrests.
Boys liked more realistic art via paintings of wars. Girls liked more patterns.