About Miss. Monfils
What grade does Miss. Monfils' mom teach at FMSE?
2nd Grade
Sossaman Standards
Be Kind, Be Respectful, and Show Integrity
Do we bring food or water to the computer stations?
No, bring it to the watering hole.
What do you do if you find a missing or broken kit piece?
Give it to Miss. Monfils
What is Miss. Monfils' other job at FMSE?
Crossing Guard
How do you enter the Smart Lab?
Quietly, Sit down on the carpet, Wait for directions.
Are the Smart Lab computers touch screen?
No, don't touch them.
Is sharing and mixing kit pieces allowed?
Is Miss. Monfils a cat or dog person?
Where does food and water go in the lab?
At the watering hole.
Do we type lightly or pound on the keyboard keys?
Type lightly
Can you grab kits off the shelves?
No, adults only.