6:45am - 7:12am
How many meals can you get
When does school start take in start
How many days can you miss before you can get denied credit
What happens if you don't have your ID tag
You have too put your food down
When does 1st period start
7:15 am - 8:13 am
If you have doctor excuses for unexcused days what can you do?
Bring them too school and get the unexcused days excused
What happens if you don't have money and you have too pay for food.
You have too put the food down
When does A lunch start
11:04 am- 11:14am
What can you do if you miss to many days of school?
Attendance Recovery
If you don't have an ID tag at lunch or breakfast you can get a.
Temporary ID
When does B lunch start
12:01 pm - 12:21 pm