This defense mechanism involves shifting blame or responsibility to someone else, making them the accused rather than the person initially responsible.
turning the tables
trying to prove that something is right or ok when the truth is that it is unhealthy.
what makes a private place
closed windows/blinds
locked and closed doors
not in the public
what are unhealthy triggers
thoughts, feelings, behaviors, place or high risk situations, people and sexual stimuli
This non-verbal defense mechanism involves using facial expressions, such as glaring, to communicate disapproval or frustration without directly addressing it.
giving dirty looks
Being fake or pretending to act a certain way in order to gain something.
what is the difference between stereotyping and objectifying
stereotyping is making assumptions
objectifying is treating someone like a thing that doesn't have thoughts or feelings
what are stoppers
something you do or think to stop yourself from engaging in high risk, offending or unhealthy behaviors
This defense mechanism involves avoiding giving direct answers, often to avoid revealing information or feelings.
not answering questions
Keeping track of what others do for personal gain
Keeping Score
what is a healthy fantasy
follows the rules of consent
This trigger is related to encountering certain people, such as former using friends or acquaintances.
people triggers
This defense mechanism involves intentionally providing false information to avoid facing uncomfortable truths or consequences.
Acting puzzled or confused about something when in reality you know exactly what is going on or what you need to do, in order to avoid consequences or make others feel sorry for you.
what are things that can make someone more vulnerable
mental health, physical size, under the influence of drugs or alcohol
This trigger is associated with encountering specific places
This defense mechanism involves intentionally refusing to communicate as a way of avoiding conflict or emotional discomfort.
Having an overly positive attitude in order to cover up the truth or avoid being asked to talk about what is really going on.
You're okay, i'm okay
what does clear consent look like
verbal, clear and enthusiastic yes
This trigger refers to experiencing negative emotions such as stress, sadness, or anger.
emotional triggers