Who was the American born inventor who is invented the lightbulb?
Thomas Alva Edison
What were the 2 main companies that created the Transcontinental Railroad?
Union Pacific Railroad Company & Central Pacific Railroad Company
What trust owned 90& of Oil refineries in the United States?
Standard Oil
What act did the U.S government pass in an attempt to stop the bribery, kickbacks, etc. between railroad companies and the government
Interstate commerce Act --> Created the ICC
Immigrants from what parts of Europe moved to the United States
Eastern & Southern Europe
Who used vertical integration?
Andrew Carnegie
Railroads led to the system of ___________?
Time zones
This method was used to buy out rivalry companies that which was used by John D. Rockefeller. What was this method called?
Horizontal Integration
The government would donate acreage to railroad companies so they could lay down railroad tracks.
A Book written by a wealthy man which brought the idea that the earning of the wealthy should be reinvested into the public schools and works.
What is The Gospel of Wealth?
Who was the Canadian-American inventor who is credited with patenting the first telephone?
Alexander-Graham Bell
How did the government assist in the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad?
What act was considered a failure in reigning in big business?
Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890
This party supported the coining of silver, a graduated income tax, government ownership or railroads, and a sub-treasury plan.
What is the Populist Party?
Who had a huge monopoly on banking during the Gilded Age?
JP Morgan
What animal was driven to the point of extinction because of the Transcontinental Railroads expansion?
This reformer featured how the "other half lived" by showcasing the miserable conditions in cities
Who is Jacob Riis?
Who is the the man nicknamed "The Commodore," who built his wealth in railroads and shipping
Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt
The Knights of Labor organized this strike in order for workers to gain a livable wage, 8 hour work day, and better working conditions. It ended horribly with hired mercenaries putting the strike down.
What is the Homestead Strike?