"To be a world class company and the leader in Dentistry"
What is Heartland Dentals Vision Statement?
"A personal assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork, leadership, sales, and communication."
What is "DISC?"
Online scheduling blocks, Confirmation calls, DR/HYG column, Reappoint, Referrals.
What is SRS?
"The classification of disease according to severity and extent, as well as progression and response to treatment."
What is AAP Periodontal Classification (Stage and grade)?
"Application of hydroxyapatite regeneration medicament, per tooth."
What is the code D2991?
"To support doctors and their teams as the deliver the highest quality dental care and experiences to the communities they serve while providing exceptional careers and creating value for our stakeholders."
What is Heartland Dentals Mission Statement?
"The primary reason a buyer chooses to purchase a product or service"
"A difficult to admit or unspoken thing that has value to someone. It can refer to something that encourages people to share personal stories and connect with each other."
What is dominant buying motive (DBM) and Emotional treasure (ET)?
Schedule next recare appointment, recare cards sent automatically to unscheduled patients, call hygiene patients w/o a device 2 weeks prior to appt, confirm using the confirmation policy, call unscheduled patients prior to being due.
What is the 6 steps to recare?
The only FDA approved locally applied antibiotic for use with SRP as part of periodontal disease management that is potentially capable of targeting orange complex bacteria-F nucleatum, P micra, and red complex bacteria- P gingivalis, T denticola, T forsythia.
What is Arestin?
"A locally applied formulation for the in-office management of early, non-cavitated lesions. It's unique biomimetic formula promotes the deposition of hydroxyapatite within the lesions, remineralizing incipient lesions. "
What is Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus?
Achieve, Honor, Execution, Balance, Celebration, Collaboration
What are Heartland Dentals Core Values?
Problem, Consequences, Solution, Benefit
What is PCSB?
"A column to schedule appointments that every team member commits to managing in order to improve the office's access to care (7 days out+) and minimize the effects of no shows on the hygiene schedule.
What is the Doctor/Hyg column?
Scaling in the presence of generalized moderate or severe gingival inflammation-full mouth, after or evaluation.
What is D4346, gingival scaling?
The company who owns Curodont Repair Fluoride Plus.
Who is Vvardis?
"Our goal is to get a scheduled appointment from each New patient phone call'"
"What is a Service Swot or NP Call summary?"
A form that is filled out by every Heartland Supported doctor that includes their Lifetime Care Philosophy as well as a list of guidelines of when diagnostic tools should be used/updated, and dental conditions/procedures should be documented/diagnosed and why.
What is Treatment Plan for Predictability (TPP)?
Rock, Sand, Say yes, Dr/Hyg column
What is perfect day scheduling?
Existing gingivitis, oral health, tobacco use, hormonal changes, recreational drug use, obesity, poor nutrition, genetics, prescription medications, leukemia/HIV?AIDS/cancer treatment, Diabetes/rheumatoid arthritis/Crones disease.
What are the risk factors for periodontitis?
Clean, Etch, Rinse, Dry, Activate, Apply, Keep isolated.
What is the application process for Curodont?
"Our goal is to find out what the patient wants before doctor does the clinical exam and tells them what they need."
What is a SMILE SWOT?
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound
What is SMART goal format?
"A system that is designed to follow up with all patients who did not reappoint for treatment with doctor at the time of service. This system helps promote patient's lifetime dental care by instilling value and urgency for the necessary treatment and increases case acceptance. "
What is 2x2x2?
Patient presents with 5mm CAL, 6+mm pockets, furcation involvement, <2mm bone loss in 5 years, <7% HbA1C.
What is Stage 3, grade B?
$120 per tooth
What is the Curodont fee for Heartland?