I ________ (walk) to the store last night.
I walked to the store last night.
I ________ (eat) pizza last night.
I ate pizza last night.
Thirty-four years old (young :P)!
She _______ (talk) to her friend yesterday
She talked to her friend yesterday.
I _______ (sleep) nine hours!
I slept nine hours.
Where did Mr. Morey live before he returned to Baltimore?
Istanbul, Turkey!
They ______ (pick) apples at the farm last summer.
They picked apples at the farm last summer.
He __________ (wake up) at 6 am.
He woke up at 6 am.
What is Mr. Morey's favorite soccer team?
He ______ (wrap) the presents last night.
He wrapped the presents last night.
They _______ (think) about a gift for their friend.
They thought about a gift for their friend.
Where do Mr. Morey's parents live?
New York!
They _______ (stop) at the store for some snacks.
They stopped at the store for some snacks.
I ________ (NOT bring) a pencil to class ;P
I did not bring a pencil to class.
How does Mr. Morey come to school?
He rides his bicycle!