Who was car ownership accessible to
The average American
What was owning a car a synonym with in America
Freedom and independence
When was henry was born
July 30 1863
How did Henry ford contribute to the rise of mass production
By pioneering the use of the assembly line
What industry is Henry the most influential figures in
The automobile industry
What was fords most notable innovation
Model T
How many colors did the model T come in
Only black
Where was Henry born
Dearborn Michigan
What’s one large quantities of standardized goods because the move of the assembly line
Model T
True or false: Henry’s first company was a success he just wanted to start a new because he thought it would make more money
How did Henry ford contribute to the rise of consumerism
By pioneering mass production techniques and the assembly line
increasing availability of installment plans, partly fueled by the demand for automobiles made doing what more manageable
Purchasing a car
what was the first company ford started working for
Detroit Edison company
What did the Model T the production of
Time and cost
What did Henry focus when making his cars and the company
Making sure they were affordable
What kind of growth stimulated because of ford marking cars widely available
Economic growth
What industries did the advertisement of the model T help
Gas stations, road construction and auto repair shops
when was The Ford motor company founded
What kind of people was The Model T available for
accessible to the average consumer
What did Henry’s introduction to the assembly line do for other various products
It helped with his how products were produced across various industries.
What industries did the Model T help
Gasoline and road construction
What was mainly used to advertise the model T
Newspaper ads, billboards and magazines
Was the The ford motor company Ford‘s first company and if not what was the name of his first company
The Detroit Automobile company
What was the benchmark of mass production practices across industries worldwide.
increased sales and a wider market reach for manufactured goods
Because his cars were so affordable and popular what happened to the Model T
It became a common household asset instead of a luxury item