This is the street that Jamestown High School is located
2nd st.
This video game and application features a struggle between the undead and...plants?
Plants VS Zombies
This street (you may take to get home) is intersected by Price st, VanBuren st, Crossman st, and Falconer st.
Sturges or Lakeview
This nintendo game features many nintendo mascots, all of which are expected to fight!
Any "Super Smash Bros" Game
Lilian Dixon Playground is located on this st. This street will take you all the way to a neighboring city that.
Falconer st
This game lets you create whatever you long as it's made of cubes
This street is named after the city's library
Prendergast st
"Pose 28" is a "dress to impress" pose from this game
This is the street Jefferson Middle School is on
Martin Road
This video game mascot is an animal that, in the wild, is usually 4-12 inches tall (and not NEARLY as fast as in the videogames)
Who is Sonic the Hedgehog