More than 3 people up is disruptive and dangerous!
What is your job in school?
To learn, be safe, and build character.
Who gets to pass out materials?
The people the table leader chooses
Who do I not help or answer questions?
People who are shouting or out of seat.
How do you enter? what kind of line?
Still, Straight, Square, Silent, Smiling?
Who is responsible for your actions? why do we have consequences?
YOU ARE!! So we can make better choices for our Future!!
Why should you listen/ look during my time?
So you know what's going on. so your art and grade improves
Where materials go When NOT USING them? Why?
FLAT ON TABLE! So you don't ruin them
Why do I set a volume level?
So I can hear people who need help. So we all can hear each other.
Why do we need 5s line?
So you can be safe, and be ready to sit.
What do you do when you are angry ?
Take a deep breath, count to ten. FOCUS ON YOU
When I am explaining jobs, is that a good time to argue about table leader? Why?
Because you do not know what the jobs are!
Where does red and blue put paintings and brushes?
Dry wrack by my desk, brush in water + brush rack
Why cant we yell ?
It stops us from learning. It hurts others ears. We cant make art wen yelling. I cant help people that need it.
Why are clean up directions so important ?
Because we are responsible for keeping classroom neat.
What do you do when you need something?
Raise hand! and WAIT
Why do we have kind words and actions.
Hurts peoples feelings. Treat others how you want to be treated.
What happens when we use materials the wrong way?
We make messes, and ruin materials, art is not as good as it can be.
When is my time? How long should it take? How do you know when its your time?
The orange or blue sign!
Where do most things go when done with them?
On splash!
How do You sit so I know your not touching others/ ready to learn?
Mona Lisa Listener
How many people up at a time? why and how do I know you can get up?
If we cant use materials properly what happens?
They are taken away. cant make art.
What volume level for enter, prayer, and instructions? Why
SILENT. So you know what's going on.
Who gets to put things away?
The person chosen to get them out!