What main question was on Joseph’s mind when he went into the grove?
Which of all the churches was correct?
What was Joseph Smith’s fathers name?
Joseph Smith Sr.
How does God answer my prayers?
The spirit, reading scriptures, parents, thoughts to my mind of inspiration.
What is the role of the Holy Ghost?
A revelator
What was Joseph’s wife’s name?
How old was Joseph when he went to the grove?
14 years old
What was Joseph Smith’s mothers name?
Lucy Mack Smith
Where did the restoration begin?
In the Sacred Grove.
What is revelation?
What book did Joseph translate?
The Book of Mormon
What do we learn about the Godhead from the First Vision?
That they are 3 separate beings and not one.
How many siblings did Joseph have?
He had 10.
What is the process to get answers from God?
Desire, ponder, study, listen.
Name 4 trials that Joseph Smith endured.
1. People talked bad about him.
2. People made fun of him.
3. They injured him.
4. He was martyred.
What was Joseph’s dogs name?
He had two. Old Major and Baker
What was the other reason Joseph went to the grove?
To receive forgiveness for his sins and concern for his sole.
What was the name of Joseph’s horse?
Joe Duncan
What evidence do we have that God and Jesus Christ knew Joseph?
Because they both called him by name.
What does the word restoration mean?
To bring something back to it’s original state.
Who was the scribe for Joseph while translating the Book of Mormon?
Oliver Cowdery and Emma Smith
What year was the First Vision?
In the spring of 1820.
Why did the Smith family move from Vermont to New York?
Because their crops died due to a volcanic eruption in Indonesia.
What was the scripture that Joseph read that led him to pray to God?
James 1:5
What are spiritual gifts?
D & C 46
How long did it take Joseph to translate the Book of Mormon?
3 months