What state did we do time capsules and have a bunch of new years traditions with my grandparents at?
Name one of my cousins
Sivon Ariella josh Aaron Hannah Emily Sam Sophie
What was my least favorite/worst event
Where was our first vacation together
Our 2 year anniversary vacation to long branch
What is my favorite color
Where did we go during teachers convention when I was a kid?
How old was I when Luke was born
How did Jess and I wear our hair to practice? What was our hair rule?
High pony tails measured with our hand
What month did we start talking
What is my favorite job that I have
Group fitness instructor
My grandma (moms mom)
Audrey irv Zelma eddie
When did I make varsity
Sophomore year
When we were in the talking stage what was I sick with
Where and when did I get my period for the first time?
A pancake restuarant in florida called Mrs Mac’s and I was going into seventh grade
We would all get gifts
What is my moms maiden name
What was my meanest coaches ever name
what did my mom tell my dad to do when we first met
Get your license plate number
What colleges was I between when deciding on a college
Penn state and Delaware
Who was my first childhood best friend for like twelve years?
What year of college did my grandpa Eddie die
Freshman year
What were the names of all of the gyms that I went to
Freehold elite gymnastics premier gymnastics epic gymnastics
Robinsonale house in long branch then made cookie skillets
When did I tour East Stroudsburg
Junior year fall