What does equilibrium mean?
Blood pressure is an example of .... health and wellbeing?
The ability to adapt to situations is an example of ... health and wellbeing.
Supportive & well functioning family is an example of .... health and wellbeing?
How many dimensions of health are there?
Two examples of spiritual health and wellbeing are..
•having a sense of belonging
•having meaning and a purpose in life
•experiencing peace and harmony
•acting according to values and beliefs
High levels of resilience is an example of ... health and wellbeing
What does dynamic mean?
constantly changing
Stress and anxiety are examples of ... health and wellbeing
Confidence is an example of .... health and wellbeing?
Provide an example of physical health and wellbeing from Mean Girls
Cady's involvement in physical activities (running)
Regina George's obsession with appearance (restricting food intake, then binging) and calorie counting
Which of the dimensions is the easiest to measure and why is it most commonly referred to in statistics?
physical, because it can be easily measured (weight, blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol levels)
What is emotional intelligence?
Being able to recognize and respond to own or others' emotions
Provide an example of how our values inform our behaviors?
Someone who believes in animal rights would not use products that are tested on animals
Mental health and wellbeing = state of a person's mind or brain. Differs from day to day. Affects everyone.
Mental illness = a specific, diagnosable condition that only affects some people
Explain the difference between mental and emotional health and wellbeing......
Mental = ability to think and process information
Emotional = how we express and manage emotions
What are some physical priorities of youth?
healthy body weight, fitness, diet, nutrition
Provide an example of social health and wellbeing from Mean Girls
Who sets the priorities for young children?
What are some priorities for people in late adulthood?
When was the WHO definition of health created?
What is a limitation of the WHO definition of health?
'complete' health is unattainable
only includes 3 of the dimensions
What is the definition for physical health and wellbeing?
Relates to the functioning of the body and its systems; it includes the physical capacity to perform daily activities and tasks
What is the definition for social health and wellbeing?
Relates to the ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others and the ability to manage or adapt appropriately to different social situations.
What is the definition for spiritual health and wellbeing?
Relates to the ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the mind and conscience of human beings.