Fruits: grapes, apple, pineapple
pineapple, apple, grapes
Fruits: apple, blueberry, watermelon
Watermelon, apple, blueberry
page, plum, paper, pepper
Strawberry, orange, plum
they are all fruits.
Tell me how ice cream and popsicles are alike
Both are cold
Animals: lion, mouse, monkey
lion, monkey, mouse
Objects: book, pencil, desk
Desk, book, pencil
a word that starts with "b"
boy, base, baby
banana, school bus, sun
Things that are yellow.
Tell me how a pen an pencil are alike.
You use them both to write/do your schoolwork
Kitchen supplies: fork, toaster, refrigerator
refrigerator, toaster, fork
School supplies: textbook, paperclip, crayon
Textbook, crayon, paperclip
a word that starts with "m"
mom, map, mat, monkey
Cookies, Cake, Cupcakes
They are all desserts.
Tell me how a bottle and cup are alike.
They both holds liquid and you drink from it
Objects: gumball, basketball, baseball
basketball, baseball, gumboil
elephant, dog, worm
a word that starts with "s"
snake, set, silly, sports
Ice Cream, Snow, Ice, Igloo
things that are cold
Tell me how a scooter and bike are similar.
wheels, transportation, make you go
Jacket, scarf, sock
Vehicles: airplane, bicycle, bus
Airplane, bus, bicycle
a word that starts with "h"
hi, hot, hippo
Grass, trees, leaves
things found outside
Tell me how a spoon and fork are alike.
They are both utensils and you use them to eat