What are three URL stems that indicate reliable sources of online information?
Answer- .gov, .edu, and .org
What are the consequences of malnutrition?
Hair loss, fatigue, mood swings, dizziness, weakened immune system
What type of exercise involves walking, running, or swimming?
What is one benefit of getting enough sleep?
Lowers your risk for serious health problems such as diabetes and heart disease
What are the five main food groups?
Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy.
When you use different search terms, do you get different results?
Answer - Depending on what and how important what you are looking for is
Name a common mental health disorder
Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Seasonal Depression, NPD
Name one type of exercise that improves flexibility?
Yoga and Pilates
Why is staying hydrated important?
Critical to health, helps with energy and overall feeling good through the day, deblotting
What vitamin is commonly found in citrus fruits?
Vitamin C
What are some indicators that might suggest if websites have a slant, false information, or bias?
Views leading towards one view, outdated information, and lack of evidence
What are signs of depression?
Lack of motivation, loss of appetite, excessive sleeping or insomnia,
Name one activity that can improve your strength?
Weight Lifting
What is the recommended amount of sleep for adults?
7-8 Hours
What is a healthy source of fat?
What are some indicators that might suggest if websites have credible information?
Evidence proving information, frequent updates, no grammatical errors, no bias
Describe the importance of mental health?
Mental health is the basis of all the health you cant take yourself and overall health if your a bad space mentally.
What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise?
Aerobic exercise requires oxygen for fuel (e.g., running), while anaerobic exercise does not (e.g., weightlifting).
Why is it important to eating breakfast?
Its the most important meal of the day and its what starts up your digestive system and givings you energy for the day.
What is the primary source of energy for our bodies?
Can you trust everything you see online relating to health on government websites (True or False)
How can stress be managed effectively?
Mediation, Journaling, Therapy,
What is one benefit of regular exercise?
Improved mental and physical health, increased energy, and stress management
What is the impact of smoking on health
Lung cancer and lung disease
What nutrient is important for bone health and can be found in dairy products?