environmental science
agricultural revolutions/ TRDEGDY OF COMMONS
tragedy of the commons

what are 3 things that environmental science is 

using the scientific method, interdisciplinary approaches, involves many scientific felids such as chem, bio, economics as well as social and political science 


who is Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson is an award-winning author who wrote a silent spring which is a book that describes the use of synthetic insecticides on the environment  


how many events have changed the way humans act and communicate 



what is the concept of the tragedy of commons 

and individual's self-interest going against the common good effecting all parties involved 


what are 3 examples of what environmental science is not 

A belief, A protest/movement, ecology (purely a study of natural science) 


how did silent spring start an environmental movement 

silent spring was written to show the dangers of pesticides particularly DDT, the book sparked conversations globally changing some practices in places all over the world 


what was the first revolution 

humans shifted from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to living in communities, raise livestock and plant crops


how can we better manage common resources name 3

there are many ways to manage commons usage while mitigating the effects of the tragedy of commons such as establishing clear boundaries, as well as adding quotas to ensure things are running smoothly, and community engagement and understanding is most important.  


what does DDT stand for and how did it effect the environment 

DDT is a synthetic insecticide which doesn't break down causing serious ecological issues 


what was the second revolution  

in the 17th century the second shift happened when the small medieval farming that was happening became a lot larger scale 


how can DDT effect the living population around it 

bioaccumulates in the body, these get stored in the fatty tissue and large amounts can cause issues with the liver and nervous system.


industrial revolution what was it?

the production of machinery allowed for advances in medicine, agriculture, and other technologies