Who mistook Jesus for the gardener after his resurrection?
Mary Magdalene
Who is the real Santa Clause?
St Nicholas
Which prophet in the Old Testament was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire?
Was Job swallowed by a big fish because he disobeyed God?
False (Jonah)
Who was the first king of Israel?
Who is considered the apostle to the Gentiles?
St. Paul
Which apostle did NOT die a Martyrs death?
Which Old Testament person was renamed Israel because he had fought with God in a dream?
Does Abraham and Sarah have 2 sons?
False (one)
Why did Jonah get swallowed by a big fish?
he disobeyed God
Who called himself the "Good Shepard"
Which saint is called the "Golden Mouthed"
St John Chrysostom
Who was the man of great patience whom God allowed to be tested by Satan?
Was Arch Angel Uriel the angel that told St. Mary that she would give birth to Jesus the Christ?
False (Gabriel)
How many sons did Abraham have with his wife Sarah?
Who was the 1st person to see Jesus after the ressurection?
Mary Magdalene
Which saint made Christianity legal in 312 AD
Who is called "The forerunner of Christ"
John The Baptist
Everything Christ did is recorded in the 4 Gospels Books
What was the first of the 10 plagues of Egypt?
The river was turned to blood
What is the correct name of the last meal that the apostles had with Jesus after his resurrection?
The Last Supper
The initials IC XC mean what?
Jesus Christ
Which of the 12 Apostles was a tax collector?
Did John write the three epistles and fourth Gospel?