Something Old
Something New
Something Borrowed
Something Blue

Among the oldest living animals was Harriet the Galapagos tortoise, who was allegedly owned by Charles Darwin and definitely owned by this Australian conservationist.

Who is Steve Irwin?


You can't call it new, since there have been more than 27 thousand issues of this daily 15 by 15 puzzle that is 21 by 21 on Sunday.

What is the New York Time's Crossword


This children's novel about tiny people inspired a 1997 film of the same name that starred a young(er) Tom Felton in his debut role.

What is The Borrowers?


Often associated with the Virgin Mary, rich blue stained glass is made using an oxide of this metal that despite its name is dull grey in its pure form .  

What is cobalt?


The oldest rock formation on earth is the Acasta Gneiss on this Northern country's Northwest coast.

What is Canada


Established in 1977 this SoHo museum was founded with the mission of exhibiting lesser known artists.

What is The New Museum


Time to show you’re really an adult, this initialism is the amount of money you pay yearly on a loan.

What is the Annual Percentage Rate or APR?


A series Gibson guitars named “Lucille” were the on stage signature of this “King of the Blues”.

Who is BB King?


The motto "Live Free or Die" and a rock formation known as the Old Man of the Mountain both feature on the reverse of this Northeastern state's official quarter.

What is New Hampshire


Introduced in the story "In Which Pooh Invents a New Game and Eeyore Joins In" this sport held its 41st World Championship in 2024

What is Pooh Sticks


This schismatic divorcee ruffled feathers when he allowed interest rates of up to 10 percent in a 1545 statute.

Who is Henry the VIII


This artificial flavor is made using chemicals derived from pineapple, banana, cherry and amaranth, but not the fruit it claims to taste like.

What is Blue Raspberry

This on-theme actor got his start in biopics playing punk rocker Sid Vicious, before going on to play (among others) Lee Harvey Oswald, Ludwig van Beethoven, Winston Churchill and Harry Truman.

Who is Gary Oldman?


These two letters surround the letter Nu in the greek alphabet

What are Mu and Xi


The Queen Mary Fringe tiara has been a "borrowed" fixture of British royal weddings from Princess Elizabeth's 1947 wedding to this princess's 2020 nuptials.

Who is Princess Beatrice


Blue jays feathers are a trick of the light, instead of blue pigment they get their coloration through this optical phenomenon.

What is refraction?


Methuselah, the oldest confirmed individual of this tree species is the oldest non-clonal organism on earth at 4,856 years old.

What is the Bristlecone Pine


No one is certain where this Virginia city gets its repetitive name, but one story holds it stems from the original settlement being rebuilt after a fire.

What is Newport News?


English has many loanwords from Classical Latin, but scholarly Latin has a few borrowed from English, such as this word that means "a soft wool fabric commonly made into tartan".

What is Flannellum

This artificial ultramarine has made more than a little splash, showing up in the films of Jean Luc Godard, the faces of the Blue Man Group, and Eddie Redmayne’s dissertation.

What is Yves Klein Blue?