Discount amount for paying in full
What is 4%
The correct order to read the ledgers
From the bottom (most recent)
Linked by colors
Traveling or sister locations
Say the callers name at least how many times
In place of slang words or filler words. Example: yeah, okay, alrighty, gotcha.
What is POSITIVE WORD VERBIAGE: Absolutely, Certainly, Definitely, Glad to, Happy to, Sure, Awesome!
What is an SD-SD transfer
Typically written in blue
Adjustments and reworks
Where to find the address?
Under office name
Say the patient' name at least how many times?
Instead of saying "Mrs. Janice"
1st names only!
Unpaid balance greater than 150 days
Write off
Posts as red
Monthly statement
Where to find about the Dr?
To the right of the clinic contact info.
Above the PSC/NPC columns
Active listening: what is the 1st response when we hear the callers name?
Use it back immediately
In place of using "only" or "just"
Keep things positive. Leave it out completely! State what we CAN DO.
Unable to catch up on multiple payments that are behind without assistance
Posts as green
Payments and adjustments
Where to schedule a 105 transfer appointment?
PSC column
If something is wrong or a concern is brought up what should be your immediate response?
In place of "no worries" or "no trouble"
My pleasure!
What is the Whine to Shine
What does these symbols mean on the ledgers when added to numbers?
-$7.32 or ($7.32)
There is a credit on the account if on the total balance or the account was paid ahead into the next month.
Where to schedule GG (growth guidance) appointments =107 code
In NPC column
What is a proper acknowledgement?
Parroting the objective back to the caller! "I am happy to schedule your next appointment!"
In place of, "I have to email the clinical team"
"I would like to email the clinical team"