This is America's law of the land
The Constitution
This is the name of the laws that Moses was given by God
The Ten Commandments
1st law of the 10 Commandments
Though shall not have any other gods before me
promotion of ones own nation regardless of moral consideration
My birthday is this day
This document formally separated the American colonies from King George
The Declaration of Independence
This first civil government was formed so the government could carry out this law
capitol punishment
What is a natural law
a law thats discernable by all God's virtue
the authority and power to control, direct and to rule the actions and affairs of others
This is the name of my second child
This was the first written European document in America.
Mayflower Compact
King John was forced to sign this document in 1215 which placed the king under the law of the land
Magna Carta
A non codified form of laws based on long accepted customs and traditions
Common Law
A document issued by the crown which established a relationship between the king and his subjects
Who is my favorite student
You are all my favorite. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
In response to the Stamp Act, the colonists sent this document to King George
Declaration of Rights and Grievances
This law code come from Babylon
Code of Hmmurabi
Revealed Law
this term is when a king gives land to one of his subjects.
What decade is Mr. Weesner's second motorcycle from
The other name for the Ten Commandments
The Decalogue
What is the difference between the rule of law and the rule of man
Rule of law, everyone must follow the law. In Rule of man a leader is above the law
In 1689, this set of laws strictly limited the English Monarchy
English Bill of Rights
spiritual revival that took place between 1730 and 1760
The Great Awakening
What was the first gift I gave my then to be wife after we started dating. Hint: it was Christmas time
A homemade blanket